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    « My 9/11 Recall: Free Speech Doesn't Mean Smart, Tolerant Speech | Main | Mideast Peace Talks Redux...Redux...Redux... »

    Saturday, 11 September 2010


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    John doe

    Her name represented Deborah Anne Batts.
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    Thanks you so much for your message, Marianna. Hard to believe the 15th anniversary is almost upon us.

    Marianna Spicer Joslyn, OWU Class of '73

    I just found this Michael, though I've thought of Ann so many times over the years. She was a sorority sister at OWU, and we were in the same class. She was always funny, down to earth, and tough, things I greatly admire. As this next anniversary approaches, sending my prayers your way.

    Tamika Myers Starr

    Hello. I think about Ms. Ann all the time. She was my manager when I was an intern at the National Geographic Society. I think about her every September and remember how dedicated she was at NGS and her love for children. Thank you for sharing this information and remembering such an inspiring woman. She also was one of my references when I looked for new job opptys.In closing just want you to know that I went to NYC's 9/11 memorial just to see her name and another friend's name that I lost that day. God bless you all and Rest in Heaven Ann.

    Michael Campana

    Hi, Rebecca.

    Thanks so much for your comments. Much appreciated!


    Rebecca Muller

    My aunt used to work at National Geographic and told me about Ann and how fun she was and all the great stories she told, especially those of her travels. My aunt was deeply saddened by her loss and I almost feel like I knew a little bit of Ann from what she told me. I wish I had had the pleasure to meet Ann in person but I am inspired and touched by this website and the foundation in her name.

    Sue Bottiggi

    Ann was very dear to me. She was the reason I joined Tri Delt. We kept in touch for awhile after she graduated (she was 2 years older) but I loved her spirit and sense of adventure. I used to want to be more like her but she didn't necessarily think that was my profile.

    Back in the day I bummed many Marlboro Lights from her and I'm sure some diet coke.

    I know in my heart that she gave those terrorists a piece of her mind. I have thought about her all weekend and every 9/11 and always will.

    Cathy Kraft

    Ann was one of my Tri-Delta sisters at OWU. Your memorial pictured on this site was perfect and caused me to smile through my tears. God Bless you and your loved ones as we honor her and the other citizens on this Tenth Anniversary of 9/11.

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