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Saturday, 08 March 2008


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Michael Campana

Hi, Del.

Thanks for your comment. You are right - but in my 2012 post I credited Thomas Kierans (1959) - see 'Canada - USA Water Mega-Transfers: Thomas Kierans' GRAND Canal of North America' - see I got the original info on NARA from Romain Audet.

A few months ago I got an email/phone call from a Montreal firm that is producing a video about NARA/GRAND canal/ They asked me if I would speak about the work/ I agreed but have not heard from them. We'll see!

Del Trobak

It would have been nice if somewhere, you gave credit to Canadian Tom Kierans, (deceased) who first described the Grand Canal concept DECADES ago. His company was incorporated in 1984, but the inception dates to well before that date.


Dear ish,

Thanks for commenting.

You've already found my blog. Look under the "world water" category for a lot of information.

Also go to UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme at:

And visit 'Water For The Ages' blog, listed on my blogroll. It's a great resource.

Good luck!


hey im doing this project on canada dealing with world water problems
i really dont have much to defend myself as im playing canada
so could u help me


Dear Leif and Johnnyb,

Thanks for commenting. Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you.

Perhaps the Canadians could insist that the USA get its "water house" in order (especially in the Western USA) before they'll sell us any water.

But do the Canadians have their own "water house" in order? I have some Canadian friends who are none too happy with what's going on in northern Alberta with the tar sands mining.

Interesting times ahead, that's for sure.


I highly doubt many Canadians would have an issue with providing Americans drinking water, it's water being used to water golf courses, grow cotton in the desert or evaporate from swimming pools that is the concern. Why should the environment be impaired because people want to lead wasteful lifestyles?

As for "feeding the world", isn't it more like growing fuel for SUVs? If the goal were to feed the world that would be much better accomplished by supporting foreign farmers, getting rid of tariffs and not dumping subsidized food in developing countries.


What is the cost to Canada? What are the environmental costs?

Kind of greedy of Canadians to give their neighbor a drink of water while Canada is drowning in it, don't ya think? Worse than that, knowing that the water transfer will will be used for agriculture which will feed the World, it seems down right unethical for Canada to refuse such a proposal to me, so long as it does not have a serious reason for opposing such a plan.


Thanks for the welcome Michael.

Yes, that variety of Canadian project supporter is frequently referred to here as a "Mole"

Often strikes Canadians funny how many of the most ardent supporters for such projects (NAFTA included), end up quietly sending their kids to expensive U.S. universities ;-) ;-)


Thanks for your comments, Bob. They are much appreciated.

As for the "colonial attitude", don't forget that this proposal came from a citizen of the Great White North.


For the record, Molson, Canada's oldest Brewery, like most things once valuable and Canadian, is now owned by foreign interests.

But to support your point, Leif, I am aghast at the colonial attitude portrayed in such a navel gazing proposal as James Bay Tunnel. I severly doubt you'll find many supporters north of the 49th parallel at this time (of course who's to say they can't be scared into it by those with vast sums of money and influence).

Thousands of miles of trench digging for foreign Golf Courses and Desert irrigation? I think not, oh wasteful ones !

Leif Nelson

Well if we exoprt all of our water, we'd end up drinking Bud Light, and that would be a national tragedy. In Canada beer and patriotism go hand in hand, or so Molson tells us.

I agree, how's to say what the future will bring, and just because it isn't popular doesn't mean it won't happen.


Hi, Leif.
Don't you think a lifetime supply of Molson's would take care of Bob and Doug?

Seriously, I'd be surprised if this thing found legs, but in 20 years, who knows?

Leif Nelson

Most Canadians, especially Bob and Doug, would never support this, for philosophical if not environmental reasons. I doubt most Americans in Great Lakes states would either, it would set a dangerous precedent for inter-basin water transfers.

There was a huge backlash against the Ontario government when they granted a corporation a permit (which was quickly revoked) to export Lake Superior water to Asia by tanker so I can't imagine this scheme being any more popular.

On a side note, I'd hate to be in charge of building a tunnel through hundreds of kilometers of northern Ontario muskeg.

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