It is once again my sad duty to report the recent death of yet another giant in the field of hydrogeology/ground water hydrology.
Dr. Philip E. LaMoreaux, Sr., died at home in Tuscaloosa, AL, on 23 June 2008. He was 88, and had served the ground water profession for over 60 years.
I did not know Phil as well as I knew Tom Prickett and Stan Davis, but his stature was every bit as great as theirs. Like Tom and Stan, he was not only an extraordinary professional, but also a gentleman. He leaves an unparalleled legacy.
The following three paragraphs are taken from Dr. LaMoreaux's bio on the American Geological Institute's WWW site:
Dr. LaMoreaux had occupied a central role in the development of hydrogeology and environmental geology into the most dynamic and sought-after disciplines in geology. He has been a leader in the profession of geology and has had a distinguished career as a federal, state, academic, and consulting geologist.
He served as Chief of the Ground Water Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey, State Geologist of Alabama, Professor of Geology at the University of Alabama, and Director of the Environmental Institute for Waste Management Studies (EIWMS) for Alabama before forming his form, Philip E. Lamoreaux & Associates., Inc.
He contributed much to the profession of geology through involvement with major geological societies: as President of the American Geological Institute, Association of American State Geologists, and American Institute of Hydrology; as Chairman of t he Geological Society of America Foundation Board of Trustees; as Chairman of both GSA's Hydrogeology Division and American Geophysical Union's Hydrology Division. He was a member of the National Academy of Engineering and was Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Environmental Geology.
Dr. LaMoreaux's comments on working in geohydrology/environmental geology.
Here is a memoriam from the Arizona Geological Survey's blog and an article from the Tuscaloosa News.
His family requests that in lieu of flowers, contributions can be sent to:
The First Presbyterian Church of Tuscaloosa
LaMoreaux Memorial
900 Greensboro Avenue
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
The Philip E. and Bunnie LaMoreaux Geology Scholarship Fund
University of Alabama Advancement Office
P.O. 870122
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487
Rest in peace, Phil.
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." -- Henry David Thoreau