Had a great visit to Southern Illinois University-Carbondale on 16 April 2009. Amazing, friendly, engaged people who treated me like royalty.
Colleagues Mae Davenport and Karl Williard, of SIUC's Department of Forestry, were wonderful hosts. Thanks!
And no attacks by the killer deer in Thompson Woods!
Here are my presentations.
Prof. Karl Williard's Advanced Watershed Hydrology class seminar, Hydrophilanthropy 101: Small-Scale Water Supply Projects in Central America:
Download Campana Adv_Hyd_Class_SIUC_16April2009
My Center for Ecology seminar, World Fresh Water Resources and the 4C's: Climate, Conflict, Cooperation, and Compassion:
Download Campana_SIUC_16April2009
"What we are trying to do may just be a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." -- Mother Teresa