I just learned of a new organization, SafeWater4Kids (SW4Ks). Its mission is to provide sustainable safe drinking water to children and families in Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa.
Read more here.
Laura R. Brunson, whom I met a few years ago at the University of Oklahoma's WaTER Center, is the Director of Marketing and Development. She is an impressive, bright, and motivated young woman with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a Master's in Environmental Science. She is now studying for her PhD in Environmental Science (with a National Science Foundation fellowship!) at OU.
Christopher Cope is the International Field Director who was also affiliated with OU's WaTER Center. He is an engineer (BS in petroleum and MS in civil) who is putting his skills to work by doing field implementation work and research in the South and Central American region of the world and helping to improve the health and quality of life for those most in need of it.
Here is the Board. Rudy J. Alvarado and Robert Barcum are the co-founders; Clark Wigley and Bob Burke round out the Board.
You can follow SW4Ks onTwitter and Facebook.
Looks like an extraordinary organization. Laura, Christopher, and SW4Ks will do remarkable things.
Visit the site now!
"We have the ability to provide clean water for every man, woman and child on the Earth. What has been lacking is the collective will to accomplish this. What are we waiting for? This is the commitment we need to make to the world, now." -- Jean-Michel Cousteau
This posting ... New Hydrophilanthropy: Safe Water For Kids ... As I stand to laud this effort I find I am impelled to inquire if there is an assumption the WATER currently being consumed by American children is SAFE...?
Perhaps it is but a reflection of my "doubting thomas" however would need to be the proverbial ostrich not to see and hear almost daily concerns voiced by citizens, scientist, medical professional, food experts about the insidious degradation of water of America.
It strikes me that to be of honest value to anyone else might we first consider cleaning up our own mess...?
Paul F Miller
Posted by: PAUL F MILLER | Wednesday, 14 October 2009 at 02:52 PM