Richard Heggen is one of the savviest WaterWonks (and a pretty good upright bassist) I know. Even though he lives here in Corvallis (where he grew up) and got his PhD in Civil Engineering from OSU, I met him in Albuquerque when I arrived at the University of New Mexico in 1989. There, Richard was a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, where he is now Professor Emeritus.
We worked together on UNM's Water Resources Program.
So why I am posting about Richard? Did I pull a 'Gilbert Arenas' and lose a bet with him?
Well, Richard has just written a book, Underground Rivers, that he's placed online. You can download it free of charge as two pdfs (total of 279 pages).
1 Greek Mythology
2 Greek Philosophers
3 Roman Encyclopedists
4 The Church, the Arabs, and Back to the Church
5 The Concept of Circulation
6 Subterranean Engines
7 Superterranean Metrics
8 Hydrotheology/Theohydrology
9 Hollow Earth Geophysics
10 Underground Rivers in Classic Fiction
11 Boys Club
12 Waters of the Hollow Earth
13 Underground Rivers in Metaphor and Poetry
14 Underground Rivers in the Fine Arts
15 Groundwater Science
16 Karstology
17 Lava Tubes
18 Subterranean Geophysics
19 Dowsing
20 The Biology of Underground Rivers
21 Plying the Waters from Above
22 Constructed Waterways
23 The Dangers
24 The Rio San Buenaventura
Here's what he asks:
The work is still in draft form. What have I missed? What did you like? What did you not?
Where you find typos and language errors, e-mail me ([email protected]) the phrase and I'll recognize the mistake and do the repair. Thanks.
Well done, Richard. Still the teacher extraordinaire!
"Who dares to teach must never cease to learn." -- John Cotton Dana