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Tuesday, 28 May 2013


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Saw your tweet re WaterWired Darcy Bushnell's report on litigation entitled Texas v New Mexico and Colorado If I were New Mexico, I would do what was done by a groundwater irrigation district in Idaho a few years back being sued by surface water irrigators for over pumping and depleting surface water flow; I'd acquire satellite imagery (NDVI) or scenes from the areas supposedly affected, scenes typically acquired during the growing season. If NM is green and lush whereas TX is brown and dry and they get water from the same source, maybe there is a problem. But if both NM and TX and especially TX are green NDVI-wise, how can TX show injury due to NM's supposed actions? Indeed, if NM is brown and TX is green and they both get water from the same source, I would have a hard time finding that NM was the problem. In the Idaho case, the satellite imagery showed no injury to the surface water irrigators--their fields were green. But in my mind, Texas groundwater policy encourages groundwater mining or at least encourages pumping water in a manner similar to pumping oil seemingly without an understanding of the intimate connection between surface- and ground-water--that seems to be as big if not a bigger problem here.


I think, and I have nothing but my gut to back me up, but I think that as we learn more about changes in Arctic Ocean sea ice and subsequent effects upon thermohaline circulation that we'll find that we'll have to consider how biota figure into the equations. That's just my hunch. But I say this as I recall in many of the water related research questions, the emphasis was on modeling physical processes with nary a thought of how biota affect the systems (such as the Leopold and Maddock's equations of hydraulic geometry or Jenkin's equation dealing with groundwater pumping). I think it was Boone Kauffman that told me once that there was as much living material buried under and associated with a tree as exists above the soil of that same tree (e.g., a mirror image, I imagine, of a tree with the land surface serving as the plane the tree is reflected across). As I thought about Boone's claim, I couldn't help but think what effects that not only roots, but also bacteria and fungi were having on water balance. And today we find very fine OSU research into Brook's "two water worlds" phenomenon driven by roots hanging onto water in some forests. Thus in a similar vein, as the Arctic Ocean sea ice dissolves I can't but help wonder what effect the blooms of phytoplankton and other biota (even viruses) will have on the thermohaline circulation. Maybe no effect. But then again, well, it will be interesting to say the least. Thanks for sharing your observations in Saskatoon--thought provoking.

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