Water, Volume 6, Issue 4 (April 2014), Pages 745-1099
If you are unable to download the papers here, visit the issue's WWW site here.
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Table of Contents:
Article: Use of Natural and Applied Tracers to Guide Targeted Remediation Efforts in an Acid Mine Drainage System, Colorado Rockies, USA
by Rory Cowie, Mark Williams, Mike Wireman and Robert Runkel
Water 2014, 6(4), 745-777; doi:10.3390/w6040745
Article: Do Estimates of Water Productivity Enhance Understanding of Farm-Level Water Management?
by Dennis Wichelns
Water 2014, 6(4), 778-795; doi:10.3390/w6040778
Article: Optimal Reoperation of Multi-Reservoirs for Integrated Watershed Management with Multiple Benefits
by Xinyi Xu, Lingling Bin, Chengzhong Pan, Aizhong Ding and Desheng Chen
Water 2014, 6(4), 796-812; doi:10.3390/w6040796
Book Review: Wetland Ecology Principles and Conservation, Second Edition
by Richard Smardon
Water 2014, 6(4), 813-817; doi:10.3390/w6040813
Article: Transport of Pathogen Surrogates in Soil Treatment Units: Numerical Modeling
by Ivan Morales, Janet Atoyan, José Amador and Thomas Boving
Water 2014, 6(4), 818-838; doi:10.3390/w6040818
Article: Addressing Flooding and SuDS when Improving Drainage and Sewerage Systems—A Comparative Study of Selected Scandinavian Cities
by Geir Torgersen, Jarle Bjerkholt and Oddvar Lindholm
Water 2014, 6(4), 839-857; doi:10.3390/w6040839
Communication: An Estimate of Energy Available via Microbial Sulfate Reduction at a Quaternary Aquifer in Northern Japan considered for Low Temperature Thermal Energy Storage
by Seiichiro Ioka and Hirofumi Muraoka
Water 2014, 6(4), 858-867; doi:10.3390/w6040858
Article: Aquatic Plant Dynamics in Lowland River Networks: Connectivity, Management and Climate Change
by Benoît Demars, Gerhard Wiegleb, David Harper, Udo Bröring, Holger Brux and Wolfgang Herr
Water 2014, 6(4), 868-911; doi:10.3390/w6040868
Article: Application of Set Pair Analysis-Based Similarity Forecast Model and Wavelet Denoising for Runoff Forecasting
by Chien-Ming Chou
Water 2014, 6(4), 912-928; doi:10.3390/w6040912
Article: An Input-Output Assessment of Water Productivity in the Castile and León Region (Spain)
by Carlos Pérez Blanco and Thomas Thaler
Water 2014, 6(4), 929-944; doi:10.3390/w6040929
Article: Reliability and Cost Analysis of a Rainwater Harvesting System in Peri-Urban Regions of Greater Sydney, Australia
by Evan Hajani and Ataur Rahman
Water 2014, 6(4), 945-960; doi:10.3390/w6040945
Article: The Prediction Methods for Potential Suspended Solids Clogging Types during Managed Aquifer Recharge
by Xinqiang Du, Yunqing Fang, Zijia Wang, Jiawei Hou and Xueyan Ye
Water 2014, 6(4), 961-975; doi:10.3390/w6040961
Review: A Review of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Considering the Climate Change and Urbanization Impacts
by Qianqian Zhou
Water 2014, 6(4), 976-992; doi:10.3390/w6040976
Article: A Modified Gash Model for Estimating Rainfall Interception Loss of Forest Using Remote Sensing Observations at Regional Scale
by Yaokui Cui and Li Jia
Water 2014, 6(4), 993-1012; doi:10.3390/w6040993
Article: Quantifying Reaeration Rates in Alpine Streams Using Deliberate Gas Tracer Experiments
by Andrew Benson, Matthew Zane, Timothy Becker, Ate Visser, Stephanie Uriostegui, Elizabeth DeRubeis, Jean Moran, Bradley Esser and Jordan Clark
Water 2014, 6(4), 1013-1027; doi:10.3390/w6041013
Article: Sorption of Emerging Organic Wastewater Contaminants to Four Soils
by Sarah Roberts, Christopher Higgins and John McCray
Water 2014, 6(4), 1028-1042; doi:10.3390/w6041028
Article: Integrated Groundwater Resources Management Using the DPSIR Approach in a GIS Environment Context: A Case Study from the Gallikos River Basin, North Greece
by Christos Mattas, Konstantinos Voudouris and Andreas Panagopoulos
Water 2014, 6(4), 1043-1068; doi:10.3390/w6041043
Review: Review and Research Needs of Bioretention Used for the Treatment of Urban Stormwater
by Jia Liu, David Sample, Cameron Bell and Yuntao Guan
Water 2014, 6(4), 1069-1099; doi:10.3390/w6041069
"He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever." - Chinese proverb (thanks to Faruck Morcos)