Sharon B. Megdal of the University of Arizona, the GGG or 'Groundwater Governance Guru' (or 'Goddess'), herself, and Alan Forrest, formerly of Tucson Water and now with CH2M, just published this nifty little paper in the Journal of the AWWA: 'How a Drought-Resilient Water Delivery System Rose Out of the Desert - the Case of Tucson Water'.
Download Megdal_Forrest_JAWWA_FINAL_Sept2015
Here is the Introduction:
The City of Tucson (Arizona) operates Tucson Water as a city department. Tucson is the largest city in southern Arizona, with a population of 524,000 people as of 2012. It is located within Pima County, which had a 2012 population of 990,000. The boundaries of Tucson Water’s service area are not coterminous with the city borders; most but not all Tucson residents are served by Tucson Water, and about one-third of Tucson Water’s customers live outside the city limits. Tucson has an incorporated area of 587 km2, with Tucson Water having a service area of 906.5 km2. The number of people served by Tucson Water in 2012 was estimated at 709,000. Approximately 56% of Tucson Water’s deliveries are to single-family homes and 19% to multifamily homes, with the remaining 25% going to commercial and industrial water users. Figure 1 depicts the city’s boundaries and the service area of Tucson Water.
Good stuff!
"He who controls the water controls the population.” - French Gen. Hubert Lyautey, colonial administrator, 1901