Apologies again to all those not in Stockholm for World Water Week for receiving the extra email, but you all know how important these events are to me.
This year’s drinks night at World Water Week will be extra special and I’m excited to announce that we have the incredible Låpsley performing LIVE! 

Join us for an evening of great music, networking (aka community building) and amazing water folks.
Date: Wednesday, 28 August
Location: Musikalisa Kvarteret
Address: Nybrokajen 11, Stockholm
Starts: 20:00
Ends: 01:00 (but, as many of you know, we always continue afterwards)
Nearest metro stop: Kungsträdgården (one stop from T-Centralen), but the walk is not bad
All are welcome who have a World Water Week pass or are accompanied by someone with one. Everyone pays their own drinks. Food is not available, but you can bring food to the venue. The coat check will be open this year.
If you are going to the King’s Banquet, please come after!
If you have any questions, you know how to reach me.
Hope to see you there!
Enjoy - this will be very good - MEC
"Sweden's development is based on the equal rights of men and women. We know that investments in gender equality and sexual and reproductive rights pay off." - Isabella Lovin
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